Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation
Grantmaking foundations, nonprofit organizations, social enterprises and public-private partnerships offer lasting solutions to societal challenges. At the same time Americans have a long tradition of spontaneously forming, disbanding, and re-forming mutual aid networks to meet the immediate needs of neighbors and strangers. Together they are at the heart of civil society.
The Aspen Institute’s Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation (PSI) enhances the efficacy of these changemakers and matchmakes among them through its values-based seminars for social purpose leaders, its consensus-building convenings of foundation CEOs and individual donors, its issue-specific conferences, its leadership of the Generosity Commission, and its work to advance transparency through policies for making “open” the data generated by and gathered on the nonprofit sector. PSI’s thought leadership has focused on the nexus of civic engagement, citizen agency, trust, and democracy.
On June 3rd, 2021, PSI announced the launch of The Intersector Project (TIP@PSI), a resource hub on effective collaborations among the government, businesses, and the nonprofit sector for solving society’s hardest problems. Case studies will be offered — ranging from COVID-19 economic recovery to climate change interventions — with assessments of lessons learned. TIP@PSI is the result of the integration of The Intersector Project (TIP), an eight-year old New York based non-profit, into the Aspen Institute as a project of PSI. Read the full press release here.